Estimated Costs

Billing Procedure

Each student will receive an invoice of charges for each semester or summer session:

  • Payment of University expenses is the responsibility of the student. All charges are due on the date stated on the invoice for returning students. All tuition, fees and residence hall charges must be paid prior to class attendance.
  • The student must clear his or her account by the due date stated on the invoice in order to maintain valid registration. 
  • Students receiving financial aid will receive an award letter from the Office of Financial Aid. If charges exceed the financial aid award, payment is expected prior to the due date stated on the invoice. If the financial aid award exceeds the charges, the student will receive a refund for the excess amount.

PA Program In-State Estimated Expenses

 Year 1
August 2024 -
July 2025
Year 2
August 2025 -July 2026
Year 3
August 2026- December 2026
Tuition (In-State)$40,526.00 $35,268.00* $8,720.00* $84,514.00* ($872*/credit) 
Deposit and Background Check$566.00--$566.00
Books, Medical Equipment & Supplies, Laptop Computer & Printer$4,640.00$3,190.00-$7,830.00
EOR Exams-  $245.00-$245.00
EOC Exam--$99.00$99.00
Professional Dues$125.00**--$125.00**
Transportation (Auto Expenses, Class Travel)$4,490.00 $4,490.00 $1,683.75 $10,663.75 
Housing and Utilities$15,430.50 $15,430.50 $5,786.50 $36,647.50 
Meals$6,612.50 $6,612.50 $2,478.75 $15,703.75 
Misc. and Personal (Health Ins., clothing, other)$14,117.00$13,997.00 $5,259.00 $33,373.00 
Total of Bolded Expenses$45,460.00 $44,010.00 $15,857.00 $105,327.00 
Total Estimated Expenses & Tuition$86,552.00 $79,278.00 $24,577.00 $190,407.00 
Tuition Formula 
Semester 1: (18) $14,682.00 Semester 5: (16) $13,274.00* 
Semester 2: (19) $15,386.00 Semester 6: (10) $8,720* 
Semester 3: (12) $10,458.00 Semester 7: (10) $8,720* 
Semester 4: (16) $13,274.00*  

*Based on 2024-2025 In-State Tuition Rates. This amount is subject to change.
**Students are REQUIRED to join AAPA and VAPA as student members. 

Please Note: The Didactic Phase (Classroom) starts in August and goes into the second Academic Year and ends in October of the following year. The Clinical Phase (Rotations) begins in November of the second Academic Year and ends in December of the third Academic Year. 


PA Program Out-of-State Estimated Expenses

 Year 1
August 2024 -
July 2025
Year 2
August 2025 -July 2026
Year 3
August 2026- December 2026
Tuition (Out-of-State)$41,196.50 $35,905.00* $8,910.00* $86,011.50* ($891.00/credit) 
Deposit and Background Check$566.00--$566.00
Books, Medical Equipment & Supplies, Laptop Computer & Printer$4,640.00 $3,190.00 -$7,830.00 
EOR Exams-$245.00-$245.00
EOC Exam--$99.00$99.00
Professional Dues$125.00**--$125.00
Transportation (Auto Expenses, Class Travel)$4,490.00 $4,490.00 $1,683.75 $10,663.75 
Housing and Utilities$15,430.50 $15,430.50 $5,786.50 $36,647.50 
Meals$6,612.50 $6,612.50 $2,478.75 $15,703.75 
Misc. and Personal (Health Ins., clothing, other)$14,117.00 $13,997.00 $5,259.00 $33,737.00 
Total of Bolded Expenses$45,460.00 $44,010.00 $15,857.00 $105,327.00 
Total Estimated Expenses & Tuition$87,222.50 $79,915.00 $24,767.00 $191,904.50 
Tuition Formula 
Semester 1: (18) $14,905.50 Semester 5: (16) $13,497.50* 
Semester 2: (19) $15,609.50 Semester 6: (10) $8,910.00* 
Semester 3: (12) $10,681.50 Semester 7: (10)  $8,910.00* 
Semester 4: (16) $13,497.50*  

*Based on 2024-2025 Out-of-State Tuition Rates. This amount is subject to change.
**Students are REQUIRED to join AAPA and VAPA as student members. 

Please Note: The Didactic Phase (Classroom) starts in August and goes into the second Academic Year and ends in October of the following year. The Clinical Phase (Rotations) begins in November of the second Academic Year and ends in December of the third Academic Year.