Students Seeking Alternative Learning Arrangements (Message from Office of the Provost in collaboration with the Academic Success Center and the Council of Deans)

In order to most efficiently support our faculty and students, the Academic Success Center, Council of Deans and the Office of the Provost are providing you with information that will assist with frequently asked questions related to alternative learning arrangements. Please feel free to share this information with students, faculty and staff.

Center for Accessibility Services Alternative Learning form

At this point in the semester, this form has been taken down. If you are contacted by a student who is seeking information regarding either semester-long or temporary alternative learning arrangements, please guide the student according to the recommendations below. Students who are seeking other types of accommodations, unrelated to COVID-19, should continue to follow the CAS process.

How to direct students with questions regarding alternative learning arrangements

Students who are requesting semester-long alternative learning arrangements should be directed to the following areas:

  • Sophomore, Junior and Senior CHED majors, Davis majors, Artis majors, CVPA majors, and CHBS majors should be sent to the Specific College Advising Center Director who will help the student with outreach to faculty or with changing their schedule to move students into existing online courses, etc.
  • Sophomore Waldron College and nursing majors should be sent to the Waldron College Advising Center. Junior and Senior Waldron College and nursing majors should be sent directly to their faculty advisor, who will help the student with outreach to faculty or with changing their schedule to move students into existing online courses, etc.
    • Exception: Freshman pre-nursing majors should be sent to the Academic Success Center.
  • All freshmen and all major exploration students should be sent to the Academic Success Center, who will help the student with outreach to faculty or with changing their schedule to move students into existing online courses, etc.

Students who are requesting temporary accommodations:

  • These students should work directly with their faculty members – no need to see an advisor as the intermediary. We believe that faculty are prepared for this interaction and will work with all students who need help.

Additional information and points of contact

If faculty need additional support, they may call either their College Advising Center or the Academic Success Center. Contact information is as follows:

Academic Success Center
Young Hall 3rd Floor


Artis College of Science and Technology Advising Center
Reed Hall 108


Davis College of Business and Economics Advising Center
Kyle Hall 244


College of Education and Human Development Advising Center
Peters Hall A104


College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences Advising Center
3301 College of Humanities and Behavioral Sciences Building


College of Visual and Performing Arts Advising Center
Porterfield 243


Waldron College of Health and Human Services Advising Center
Waldron Hall 351


This email is being sent through the Office of the Provost in collaboration with the Academic Success Center and the Council of Deans.