Industrial Hygiene
Hepatitis B Vaccine
Hepatitis B Vaccines are offered to employees at no charge if they are potentially exposed to blood as part of their job duties. Vaccinations are given by Student Health Services. Employees must receive training in the Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and be approved by EHS before the shots can be given. Employees may refuse the vaccination. Please consult the Bloodborne Pathogen Standard for more information. The following occupations on campus have been identified as having occupational exposure to blood:
- Nurses
- Police Officers
- Athletic Trainers
- Lifeguards
- Housekeepers
- Plumbers
Hepatitis A Vaccine
The Hepatitis A vaccine is offered to all plumbers at the university. There is no charge for the vaccine. Employees may refuse the shot.
EHS has several instruments for measuring employee exposure to chemical and physical agents in the work environment. Some of the more common agents that EHS samples are listed below:
- Asbestos
- Mold
- Lead paint
- Silica
- Carbon dioxide
- Carbon monoxide
- Flammable vapors
- Noise
- Natural gas
- Formaldehyde
- Relative humidity
- Oxygen
- Ionizing radiation
- Microwaves
- Electromagnetic fields
- Light levels
- Organic vapors
Exposure to high noise levels can permanently damage your hearing. Employees must be placed in a Hearing Conservation Program if they are expose to greater than 85 decibels averaged over an 8 hour day. Please call EHS at 540-831-7790 if you would like an assessment of noise levels in your area. EHS will do the following:
- Schedule annual audiometric tests for all employees exposed to noise levels over 85 decibels (costs are the responsibility of the affected department).
- Ensure that hearing protection devices are offered to employees exposed above 85 dB, and make hearing protective. devices mandatory for employees exposed above 90dB.
- Provide annual training for employees exposed above 85 dB.
Indoor Air Quality/Odors
Please call EHS to report odors or if you have health concerns about the quality of indoor air in your area. Report comfort concerns about temperature and humidity to Facilities Management. If you smell smoke or natural gas, also call the Campus Police. EHS has equipment to determine if the air flow in your area meets designs specifications and is adequate for the number of people in your area.
Asbestos containing materials (ACM) on campus are inspected every six months by EHS personnel to assess its condition. EHS maintains maps showing the location of ACM on campus. If you have a concern about ACM in your area please call EHS. Do not disturb a suspected asbestos release. Prevent access to the site and call the Campus Police and EHS. EHS will clean up small releases or call an asbestos contractor to clean up large spills. Evacuation of the area or the building may be necessary. Consult the Emergency Response Plan for details on responding to asbestos spills.
Lead Paint
EHS ensures that buildings on campus are surveyed for lead paint and maintains records for maintenance personnel. Please call EHS if you have any concerns about lead paint in your area.