2018-2019 Committee Objectives

2018-19 Committee Objectives

Radford University Faculty Senate
Committee Objectives
Academic Year 2018-2019


The following committee objectives provide a foundation for the Faculty Senate’s work in 2018-2019. Each committee should attempt to accomplish all objectives. These objectives are not intended to be all-inclusive—any committee member, other Senators, and the Faculty Senate Executive Council (FSEC) may refer other issues to the committee for consideration and action. Feel free to form subcommittees as needed to address specific objectives more expeditiously. Additional items will be referred to committees as new recommendations are made by members of our faculty.


All committees should record minutes of their meetings. Minutes and other committee documents (e.g., reports) should be forwarded to the Senate secretary (tchannell@radford.edu) for posting on the Senate webpage.

Campus Environment Committee (CEC)

1.     Consult with HR regarding Family Leave policies

        a.     Specifics about options for faculty leave

        b.     Are leave policies clearly and consistently spelled out in different documents and websites?

        c.     Consider working on a single document that summarizes these policies

        d.     Recommend changes to T&R Handbook, if needed

2.     Review results from Faculty Morale Survey 2017 to identify relevant issues to be considered by the Faculty Senate (consult with Jake Fox for access to the Qualtrix account).

3.     Consult with HR to learn about status of dual-career services for employees of Radford University

4.     Continue to Investigate the possibility of mobility assistance for Faculty who are temporarily disabled or injured. Use of electric carts has been suggested.


5.     Liaise with the Sustainability Steering Committee chaired by Joshua Nease (Sustainability Manager) to aid the of integration of sustainability and environmental stewardship in facility planning and campus operations.

6.     TOP PRIORITY: Review the state of the Faculty Morale Survey, recommend revisions if necessary. Revisions would need to be approved by Senate before spring implementation of Faculty Morale Survey.

7.     Implement Faculty Morale Survey Spring 2019.

8.     Explore the possibility of a satisfaction/feedback loop for projects and requests submitted to Facilities Management (there was an initial exploration of this last year) and report results or recommendations to the Faculty Senate.


Curriculum Committee

1.     Review curriculum proposals.

2.     Work with the General Education review committees and report back to the Faculty Senate on the progress.

3.     Review the Honors Academy to Honors College transition.

4.     Review curriculum pertains to the Jefferson College merger.


Faculty Issues Committee (FIC)

1.     Clarify whether and how non-tenure track faculty may be eligible for awards under the aegis of the Faculty Awards         Committee.  Determine the feasibility of establishing awards for adjuncts

2.     Gain an understanding of how Title IX works at RU through a Title IX investigation, and develop a recommendation to         Governance if the title IX process needs to be referenced in the handbook.

3.     Along with Governance, further examine the many factors involved in faculty evaluation of a person also serving in a chair role. 

4.     Liaise with the Governance group to explore policies/procedures for faculty serving in administrative positions that may result in handbook changes.

Governance Committee (GC)

1.     In the fall, send out standard questions to the Personnel Committee Chairs to use for the Chairs’ evaluations.

2.     Coordinate and liaise with the Executive Council of Chairs and Faculty Issues Committee to revise Chairs’ evaluation         process and timing in the Handbook.

3.     Revise the questions on the annual evaluation for the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research.

4.     Conduct the annual faculty evaluation of deans in the spring.

5.     Liaise with the Faculty Issues committee to identify issues and ambiguities regarding policies/procedures for faculty serving in administrative positions that may result in Handbook changes.

6.     In March, consider the recommendations for the Taskforce for Administrator pay for implications for changes to the   Handbook.

7.     Review and draft a motion to update language in the Faculty Senate Bylaws.

8.     Liaise with Faculty Issues committee regarding process and timeline for appeals made in the Faculty Grievance and Appeals committees.


Resource Allocation (RAC)

1.     Review equity in pay across sex and ethnicity in conjunction with Human Resources and develop a recommendation to address inequity if it exists.

2.     Review faculty benefits in conjunction with Human Resources and develop a recommendation on benefits policy if supported by evidence. Items to investigate:

            a.     Cost of benefits over time

            b.     Timing of VRS contributions

            c.     Balance of VRS vs. private plans

3.     Liaise with the Division of Finance and Administration to get an update on the budget and resource allocation regarding the Strategic Plan.

4.     Conduct a faculty workload analysis to address the President’s response to previous motion.

5.     Liaise with Library Committee and Dean Helm to better understand resource allocation at the McConnell Library. Develop motion if warranted.