2022-2023 Committee Objectives
Radford University Faculty Senate
Committee Objectives
Academic Year 2022-2023
The following committee objectives provide a foundation for the Faculty Senate’s work in 2022-2023. Each committee should attempt to accomplish all objectives. These objectives are not intended to be all-inclusive—any committee member, other Senators, and the Faculty Senate Executive Council (FSEC) may refer other issues to the committee for consideration and action. Feel free to form subcommittees as needed to address specific objectives more expeditiously. Additional items will be referred to committees as new recommendations are made by members of our faculty.
All committees should record minutes of their meetings. Minutes and other committee documents (e.g., reports) should be forwarded to the Senate secretary (dbeach6@radford.edu) for posting on the Senate webpage.
Campus Environment Committee Charges for 2022-2023
1. Provide a report to Faculty Senate on the results of the COACHE survey. Seek multiple ways to express data, not just means but also frequencies (Senate President might handle this instead of us).
2. Prepare questions to be answered by the Vice President for Enrollment Management in anticipation of a report to the full senate
3. Liaise with the Assistant Provost for Undergraduate Education about faculty involvement with the Highlander Success Center
4. Explore establishment of regular shuttle service between Radford and Roanoke sites
5. Follow up with Campus Facilities regarding a trial of a system for consistent follow up on individual requests (similar to a process used by Information Technology).
6. Liaise with the Student Government Association on matters pertaining to Academic Affairs. Include in this, a discussion of student access to old syllabi.
7. Look into current status of the Radford University Carilion Advisory Group and liaise with them (if they still exist) to explore issues exclusive to their campus post-merger (e.g., room scheduling, physical plant, classroom resources, etc.).
8. Receive report on the ‘temporary space plan’ for RUC and RHEC.
9. Investigate how to integrate RUC and RU symbolism, including such things as canned histories of the university, presidential portraiture and signage (eg changing signage from Jefferson College to RUC on I-581)
10. Prepare and implement the Faculty Morale Survey in Spring 2023
Curriculum Committee Charges for 2022-2023
1. Review and recommend revision to the following sections of the T&R Faculty Handbook: 2.3 Teaching Responsibilities.
2. Shepherd through Senate a motion updating the process of revising the Academic Program Review and Enhancement process
3. Prepare questions for the Associate Provost in anticipation of a report on the status of Academic Partnerships. Liaise with Faculty Issues and RAC for help with questions involving evaluation of teaching and resources.
4. Investigate the idea of increasing the use of prior learning assessment to give students academic credit. Liaise with the Associate Provost.
5. Investigate D2L usage by faculty and ways to improve it for the collection of analytics.
6. Investigate the status of plans to create, support, and house interdisciplinary programs. Liaise with the Assistant Provost for Budget and Academic Operations.
7. Report to Faculty Senate about the progress of the New River Community College/Radford University Bridge Program (https://www.radford.edu/content/admissions/home/bridge.html).
8. Add language in the Handbook (see Section 4.2.3) regarding the roles and responsibilities of faculty-led advisory boards of university-level courses and programs that are not housed in a department.
9. Shepherd through Senate a motion on REAL benchmarks and criteria for minors. Liaise with Faculty Issues and RAC for help with questions involving evaluation of teaching and resources.
10. Review and recommend on all curriculum proposals requiring Senate action.
Faculty Issues Committee Charges for 2022-2023
1. Consider recommendations from Curriculum on revision of T&R Faculty Handbook Section 2.3 in the light of broader faculty workload questions. Broader faculty workload questions include FTE contact hours (vs credit hours) across programs, workload for teaching the same class vs different classes (number of preps, number of seats in a class, labs, independent studies, capstones/theses/dissertations, etc.)
2. Liaise with Curriculum to generate questions for the Associate Provost in anticipation of a report to Senate on Academic Partnerships. Consider especially the student evaluation of faculty and of courses in Academic Partnerships and draft new handbook language as necessary.
3. Consider the implications of faculty who may have extra employment at competing universities; explore the policies around extra employment.
4. Review and consider challenges related to tenure and promotion for Radford University Carilion faculty post-merger.
5. Review the Title IX processes to ensure there is both transparency of process and right of faculty to appeal.
6. Consider the pros and cons of additional faculty rank opportunities (professors of practice, collegiate professors, clinical professors, etc).
7. Liaise with Faculty Awards committee to discuss potential issues involving eligibility and submissions.
8. Discuss Faculty Convocation with the goal of improving it and helping faculty morale.
9. Consider how to add information on DEI to the duties of Chairs and Directors and to the Annual Reports of faculty members
10. Prepare a report on the new QEP so that faculty know what they need to know
11. Get and communicate clear understandings of the status of former Jefferson employees regarding time served and leave time accrued and payouts for faculty members leaving RU.
12. Review section 1.14 of the T+R handbook with regards to its clarity and with regards to issues of due process and double jeopardy.
Governance Committee Charges for 2022-2023
1. Review the allocation of seats in the Senate, and if necessary recommend adjustments to FSEC.
2. Consider creating an ad hoc committee to review the T&R Faculty handbook for out-of-date language, gender bias, and other such issues.
3. Liaise with Academic Program Review and Enhancement committee about any needed changes to T&R Faculty Handbook section 1.16.
4. Consider changing the composition of REAL Council. Liaise with Director of Undergraduate Curriculum.
5. Consider making the Council of Chairs and Council of Deans formal parts of Academic Governance. Liaise with those groups.
6. Update and recommend changes to Faculty Senate bylaws and/or Faculty Senate constitution. Include in this review, a clarification of the process of electing members of FSEC.
7. Administer the deans’ evaluation in the spring.
8. Reexamine motion on “minority reports” in the process of reviews of FARs. Shepherd corresponding motion through Senate.
9. Review need for curriculum pathways for the School of Nursing.
10. Add language to T&R Handbook to include SoN reps on Grievance and Faculty Issues (appeals?) committee.
11. Propose an appropriate curriculum pathway for moving a program from one college to another.
Resource Allocation Committee Charges for 2022-2023
1. Examine transforming RAC into a budget advisory committee. (See Mary Washington Example.)
2. Meet with Vice President for Finance and Administration (Stephanie Jennelle) after census date each semester – possibly attend BOV Sept. 8-9.
3. Examine overhead funding trends by employee classifications collaboration with Budget and Finance.
4. Follow up on status of Retirement Administrative Committee, which is to include two faculty members.
5. Review internal salary report and liaise with administration on comparative salary analyses.
6. Receive report on status of recommendations regarding adjunct pay.
7. Consider recommendations from Curriculum on revision of T&R Faculty Handbook Section 2.3 in the light of broader resource questions.
8. Investigate use of forfeited seat deposits for best possible use, including perhaps funding student scholarships/assistantships.
9. Consider motion on OER textbook policy.
10. Examine potential cost savings of insourcing vs outsourcing roles traditionally assigned to external vendors.
11. Report to Faculty Senate on the revenue generated by the 16-hour rule and a Return on Investment analysis of the Bridge program.