2023-2024 Committee Objectives
Radford University Faculty Senate
Committee Objectives
Academic Year 2023-2024
The following committee objectives provide a foundation for the Faculty Senate’s work in 2023-2024. Each committee should attempt to accomplish all objectives. These objectives are not intended to be all-inclusive—any committee member, other Senators, and the Faculty Senate Executive Council (FSEC) may refer other issues to the committee for consideration and action. Feel free to form subcommittees as needed to address specific objectives more expeditiously. Additional items will be referred to committees as new recommendations are made by members of our faculty.
All committees should record minutes of their meetings. Minutes and other committee documents (e.g., reports) should be forwarded to the Senate secretary (dbeach6@radford.edu) for posting on the Senate webpage.
Campus Environment Committee
- Follow up on exploration of issues around a University Club
- Prepare questions to be answered by the Vice President for Enrollment Management in anticipation of a report to the full senate
- Discuss with Radford Transit the possibilities of increasing service between RU and VT and beginning service to between RU and RUC
- Liaise with the Student Government Association on matters pertaining to Academic Affairs. Include in this, a discussion of student attendance policies.
- Prepare report of results of the 2023 Faculty Morale Survey for presentation to full Senate.
- Prepare and implement the Faculty Morale Survey in Spring 2024
- Consider RUC visitor parking issues: propose alternatives or request Parking and Traffic Committee to propose alternatives.
- Liaise with the Radford University Sustainability Steering Committee regarding possible cooperation and/or coordination.
Curriculum Committee
- Liaise with SGA to get student perspective on REAL curriculum. The President of SGA is Lora Ellen Starr.
- Review the process for approving new minors, certificates and micro-credentials: https://www.radford.edu/content/internal-governance/home.html & https://www.radford.edu/content/dam/departments/administrative/internal-governance/curriculum_paths_real_3_1_22.pdf
- Add language in the handbook (4.2.3) regarding the roles and responsibilities of faculty led advisory boards of university level courses and programs that are not housed in a department. Section 4.2.3 may not be the correct place to put this – may need to add a section. Refer to 22-23.11: Motion to Establish an ad hoc Multi-Disciplinary Program Governance Committee https://www.radford.edu/content/dam/departments/administrative/faculty-senate/Motions/2022-2023/22-23MotionBook.pdf
- Investigate the status of plans to create, support, and house interdisciplinary programs (Environmental Working Group).
- Review university policy on granting credit for prior learning experience. Maybe suggest a new major or revised interdisciplinary major for adults returning to school.
- Discuss creating and academic policy for sunsetting under-enrolled minors. This is connected and may be affected by the Provost’s reorganization suggestions.
- Review and recommend on all curriculum proposals requiring Senate action.
Faculty Issues Committee
- Consider adding language to the faculty handbook specifying that SPF can be hired for the purpose of teaching and can be non-renewed based on the need for teaching.
- Based on whatever reason the rule is based upon, consider removing the three-year renewal cap on FTT faculty.
- Consider the pros and cons of additional faculty rank opportunities (professors of practice, collegiate professors, clinical professors, etc).
- Consider changing rules governing the evaluation of adjuncts so that they are reviewed less frequently than every semester.
- Consider handbook language on student evaluation of faculty in light of ability to release evaluation results to faculty members immediately via D2L.
- Consider issues related to extra employment, including dual appointments, limitations for summer work, off-contract work, etc.
- Ensure that HR and Handbook definitions of faculty contract periods match.
- Continue exploration of issues regarding Academic Partnerships. Consider especially the student evaluation of faculty and of courses in Academic Partnerships and draft new handbook language as necessary. Similarly, receive a report on the status of Impact and other Radford-branded academic initiatives outside Academic Affairs.
- Discuss pros and cons of changes to Student Convocation and Faculty Convocation from faculty point of view. Consider any improvements.
- Review university policy on Free Expression in light of statements on academic freedom and civil discourse.
Governance Committee
- Review the allocation of seats in the Senate, and if necessary recommend adjustments to FSEC.
- Consider creating an ad hoc committee to review the T&R Faculty handbook for out-of-date language, gender bias, and other such issues.
- Consider making the Council of Chairs and Council of Deans formal parts of Academic Governance. Liaise with those groups.
- Update and recommend changes to Faculty Senate bylaws and/or Faculty Senate constitution. Include in this review, a clarification of the process of electing members of FSEC.
- Administer the deans’ evaluation in the spring.
- Propose an appropriate curriculum pathway for moving a program from one college to another.
- Liaise with APRE in the event that changes are proposed for the composition and charges of that committee.
Resource Allocation Committee
- Work on Senate approval for University Planning and Budget Committee
- Meet with Vice President for Finance and Administration (Rob Hoover) after census date each semester.
- Attend BOV meetings Sept. 7-8 (Thursday and Friday)
- Review effectiveness and impacts of the ‘16-hour’ rule
- Liaise with the committees associated with the university wide salary survey study currently in progress.
- Meet with or get list or inefficiencies from the Provost and University President? Determine if RAC can assist in examining and/or making any recommendations on any of these.
- Work to address adjunct pay
- Investigate use of forfeited seat deposits for best possible use, including perhaps funding student scholarships/assistantships – similarly with application fees for programs
- Examine potential cost savings of insourcing vs outsourcing roles traditionally assigned to external vendors – linked to inefficiency questions from Provost during faculty retreat