Distinguished Creative Scholar Award

The Radford University Foundation Distinguished Creative Scholar Award recognizes significant original contributions to the body of knowledge in academe. It also rewards contributions that have had a significant impact on effective classroom teaching.


All full-time teaching and research faculty who have never received this award are eligible.  See previous award winners


Nominees must have a sustained record of outstanding creative contributions to their academic discipline. Moreover, their scholarly work should have a significant positive impact upon their teaching. The significance of the work may be demonstrated through a broad spectrum of criteria. Examples include publications in prestigious journals that result in recognition by professional peers, commission of artistic compositions, invited performances before national audiences, awards by national or international professional organizations, and the promotion of dialogue among scholars in the field.

Nomination Instructions

Please fill out the secure Qualtrics nomination form below.  If using Internet Explorer, click on show all content in the window at the bottom of the page. If using EDGE, click on the Blocked Content icon in the address bar.