Anna Lee Stewart Award for Contributions to Faculty Development

The Anna Lee Stewart Award for Contributions to Faculty Development recognizes faculty and staff who have contributed substantially to the professional development of their colleagues. The purpose of the award is to recognize those faculty and staff who contribute in exceptional ways to the teaching and learning environment of Radford University.


All full-time teaching and research faculty, all administrative and professional faculty, and all staff who have never received this award are eligible.  See previous award winners


Nominees must demonstrate a sustained commitment to imparting knowledge, skills and techniques that their colleagues use to enhance the learning environment at Radford University. Nominees must have an outstanding record of helping faculty and/or staff learn strategies that encourage student learning and meet student needs. Faculty development may or may not be included in the recipient's job description. The goal of the reward is to recognize significant contributions to the learning environment at Radford University. Examples could include, but are not limited to helping orient and retain students, helping others learn new technology skills, sharing new teaching techniques, and presenting findings from research about teaching and learning.

Nomination Instructions

Please fill out the secure Qualtrics nomination form below.  If using Internet Explorer, click on show all content in the window at the bottom of the page. If using EDGE, click on the Blocked Content icon in the address bar.