Student Employment

Students learn valuable skills that will help them become excellent employees.  Student employment allows students to meet and work with staff, faculty, and administrators across campus.  Students become an integral part of the university community.  The student employment experience can help build an excellent resume.

Some of the work positions are part of our community service project.  Students in these positions support the university's service to the community and in some cases include tutoring local children.

Work-study positions are offered to students who have financial need as determined by the results of the Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).  However, positions are available to any student after the second week of classes each fall semester.  Students who have financial need are given first priority for any positions that may be available.  Students who are interested in working on the student employment program should file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid by the priority application deadline.

Students work on campus twelve hours per week.  For the 2023 - 2024 academic year, students will earn $12.00 per hour and can work a total of 160 hours per semester or 325 hours per academic year. 

If the student is eligible, federal work study will be one of the awards offered to the student on their aid notification.  Students may begin contacting department supervisors on or after June 15 for the Fall and Spring semester.


Student Employment Opportunities

All student employment opportunities are listed in the university career portal, Handshake.  To view open positions, please visit the The Center for Career and Talent Development website and select the Handshake icon.    

Priority for all positions is given to students who file a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) and who have financial need.  Students who have established need through FAFSA will be hired through the second week of classes.  Beginning with the 3rd week of classes, positions will open to any student regardless of need.

America Reads tutors play key roles in working with individual children and supporting classroom teachers and activities.  America Reads tutors will work 9-12 hours per week in area schools and classrooms, primarily in Montgomery County or Radford City.  Activities include: tutoring in the classroom; tutoring in after-school programs; reading at school; assisting teachers and students with classroom activities and homework.  Tutors must provide their own transportation. 


Hiring Process

A work-study employee must follow the same hiring process as all University employees.  The following steps outline the onboarding process. 
  1. Student applies for open positions in the career portal, Handshake.  
  2. Supervisor submits student employee request to begin student employment process with the financial aid office.
  3. If approved, the student submits required pre-employment paperwork
  4. Financial aid issues student employment contract once pre-employment paperwork is completed.
  5. Student is eligible to begin work on date inlcuded in student employment contract.
  6. Student and supervisor sign employment contract and return to the financial aid office.

Pre-Employment Paperwork

Submission of I-9 Forms

All new student employees are required to submit a completed I-9 form to the Department of Human Resources before they will be issued a contract or considered eligible to work.  Students will be notified by the Department of Human Resources on what is required to complete the I-9 process.  The Office of Financial Aid cannot make exceptions to the paperwork that is required to complete the I-9 process.  Any students who do not work consecutive academic years will be required to submit a new I-9 form.

International students will need to have their I-9 form completed by the University's International Tax Manager to ensure the student is eligible for employment.

Completion of Income Tax Withholding Statements

Student employees are required to fill out the W-4 and VA-4 tax forms.  Students should send the completed forms to the Payroll Office - Campus Box 6906. Student employees of Radford University will receive a W-2 reflecting their total wages and tax withholdings for the calendar year. Work supervisors will assist student workers in completing the W-4's or VA-4's. Any questions regarding the completion of the forms should be directed to the Payroll Office.

International students should be referred to our International Tax Manager in Preston Hall to complete all tax forms.

submit direct deposit information

We encourage students to set up direct deposit, which is the most secure and convenient way to receive pay checks.  Direct Deposit is not required for Federal Work Study employees. An employee’s net pay is sent via electronic funds transfer directly to the employee’s checking or savings account(s). Multiple accounts can be designated for pay allocation. Net pay or take-home pay is available from the employee financial institution (bank) on pay day. 

In an effort to secure bank account change requests, the employee Direct Deposit Form is behind the OneCampus portal in the Employee Tools section. Completed forms may be faxed to 7219 or delivered to Payroll at 314B Tyler Avenue. To protect sensitive information, do NOT email direct deposit forms! Emailed forms will be deleted and will not be processed.

Please note: Direct deposit account changes may take more than one pay cycle to take effect. 


Employees who receive paper checks may pick up their paychecks at the Office of the University Bursar on payday. Photo ID is required.  Checks will not be released to anyone but the employee. 

Student Employment Contracts

The financial aid office will issue a contract for all student's who have met the employment criteria.  The employment contract will outline the dates of employment, the number of hours and the, the hourly wage, and the total dollar amount the student is eligible to earn.  Students and supervisors will need to sign and return a copy of the contract to the financial aid office.

It is the supervisor's responsibility to monitor the number of hours worked by each employee.  If a student works more than the awarded number of hours the department can be held responsible for paying their wages.

Policies Relating to Student Employees

Submission of Online Timesheets

For new student employees, your supervisor will work with you to complete and submit your timesheet for the first pay period.  If you have any questions on how to complete this process, you may review the Student Employee Time Entry Presentation (PPT).

As outlined in the payroll calendar, each pay period ends on a Friday and timesheets must be submitted to your supervisor by 10 a.m. the following Monday.  If you do not submit your timesheet to your supervisor by the 10 a.m. deadline you will not be paid on the defined pay date.  You will have to work with your supervisor to have your time worked submitted to the payroll office and you will be paid on the following pay day.

If you will not work on the last day(s) of the pay period you may submit your timesheet to your supervisor on your last day worked for each pay period.

Confidentiality of Records

Student employment positions that have access to student records must understand the sensitive and high confidential nature of these records.  Supervisors should communicate that all information contained in student records is strictly confidential and any breach of confidentiality will result in termination of employment. 

Students with access to the university system will be required to complete paperwork and training certifying that they understand the confidential nature of their position.

Drug and Alcohol Policy
All university employees, full time and student employees alike must comply with the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988.  Additionally there are two drug and alcohol related policies that all employees must abide by, the Commonwealth of Virginia has developed a Policy on Alcohol and Other Drugs as well as the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments as set forth for all universities that receive federal financial aid funds.  The human resources website contains the full Drug and Alcohol Policy for all University employees.

Falsification of Hours
Students are expected to accurately record and report the hours they work in their student employment position for each pay period.  Students who falsify hours reported on their timesheets (or the hours of a co-worker) is guilty of a Honor Code violation according to the Radford University Student Conduct Code.  If a student is found to be falsifying hours their position will be terminated and they will not be eligible for future employment in the student employment program.

Accidents/Injuries During Work Hours
All student employees are covered Radford University's Worker Compensation plan during periods of employment.  If a student employee is injured while working it is important that the incident is reported according to the standards set forth in the Human Resource Worker's Compensation policy.

Student Payment Process

Students employed in a FWS position are paid an hourly wage.  Students are required to submit hours worked through the university timesheet system.  Student employees are paid twice a month for hours worked and paychecks are deposited directly into the banking account provided on the pre-employment paperwork.

Student employee earnings cannot direct the university to apply earnings toward education-related charges such as tuition, fees, room, or meal plans. 

Students are paid bi-weekly according to the schedule provided by the Payroll Office.